
Salvatron Protocol


SALVATRON Protocol’s proposed model allows users to lock PSLV tokens to a creator pool once and maintain Salvatron to that creator’s content until the user unlocks rather than face a recurring  credit card charge. In practice, a user gets PSLV tokens and locks them at whichever creator they’d like to access. Salvatron Protocol introduces a fungible token (PSLV) that can be utilized across participating creators, which enables users to have a more consistent experience rather than working through multiple different credit card payment flows

will maintain access to the creator’s Access gated content for as long as they remain locked. Note that the creator can set the minimum threshold of PSLV tokens for access to zero. Long term, the aggregate rewards collected by creators approximate the aggregate value of all the content consumed in the ecosystem during a particular period. Creators that onboard into the Salvatron ecosystem and in turn produce content for Salvatron users, drive the utility of the PSLV. In this new fee-generating model, creators can monetize their audience on day 1, while also exposing a higher percent of their users to their content. By minimizing barriers to monetization, the size of the digital content market will expand by an order of magnitude.

Robust uplift in lifetime value (LTV)

Robust uplift in lifetime value (LTV) Realigning creator incentives solves the issues in Exhibit 1 and enables them to produce content solely with the focus of valuable to users. With an increase in ARPU and a decrease in churn rate, creators will  see robust growth in user lifetime value (LTV). Moreover, while Salvatron Protocol allows creators to set the minimum threshold for PSLV locked in a particular pool, it does not have a limit on maximum number of tokens locked. This creates an opportunity for super fans, or super supporters, to pledge well above the minimum lock threshold. By nature of being a super supporter, the individual contributes a higher ARPU and LTV for the creator without increasing the incentive to churn relative to non-super supporters. The opportunity for a user to identify themselves as a super supporter by locking more than the minimum threshold is unique. For most creators today, there is no way to signal more than the off the shelf price, even if you’d like to. In the future, creators can identify and utilize their super supporters status by providing them with unique experiences such as airdropping them an NFT that’s redeemable for an event or a particular experience.

Salvatron Protocol Association
The Salvatron Protocol Association is a non-profit organization created to grow the SalvatronEcosystem and in turn, help creators succeed in implementing Salvatron Protocol into their business model. The key functions of The Salvatron Protocol Association are as follows: Business development l Onboarding and partnering with creators / publications. l Expanding partnerships outside of the existing Web3 community. l Optimizing the business model and value alignment between creators and consumers. l Reducing the friction for consumers to support their favorite creators/publications. l Creating guides and content to communicate the value-add of Salvatron protocol and help onboard new creators. l Establishing a community grants program. Building technology to support the PSLV ecosystem l Protocol features (PSLV locking, governance, burn functions, etc.). l Building support tooling for creators (analytics, website plugins, etc.). l Creating new ways for creators and consumers to interact. l Supporting multiple blockchains. l Moving from a whitelisted creator onboarding process to a permissionless one. l Iterate on token economics to drive more value into the Salvatron ecosystem. l The Salvatron Protocol Association is committed to open sourcing all tooling over time.
Support Your Creativity
You can join SALVATRON by supporting creativity and taking a step towards a fairer content ecosystem.